Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011

Top 5

 Show me your five bests pictures. Well, I got 15,000 from my Sony, 6,000 from my Samsung and over 10,000 from my Casio to choose from. Not an easy task. You guys helped me a lot, but the final five might surprise you. I'm leaving to print after this entry and the five best prints will win a slot in the exhibition. I didn't choose the most popular pictures and I didn't choose my best pictures, but the ones I like most, I find best and represent a little wider variety of my photography interests and skills. You will be unfamiliar with some of the pictures, but yesterday in a rush of genius I shot almost 800 pictures in less than two hours, almost 100 amongst them that I would have chosen over my existing ones for the exhibition. But all with pretty similar styles, so I only chose two of those. Without further ado, the Top 7 (two alternatives in case the prints of one/two of the Top 5 wouldn't be good enough for some reason) - and, I still have no names for the pictures, any ideas please in the comments below:

 Top 5:

 No. 6 and 7

6 Kommentare:

  1. number one:
    why me...?
    number two:
    a usual worker's day in an unusual place.
    number three:
    my autumn (sorry, no better idea)
    number four:
    good(bye) old times!
    number five (my favorite picture):
    beachy barefeet
    number six:
    mirror confusion/ the other world
    number seven:
    another vision on time

  2. forgot to sign:

  3. like one and five best. no titles neccessary.

  4. I absolutely LOVE the first one, it has such an eerie and fantastical feel about it.

  5. thanks for the love, ananymous ;) it might be the best picture i've ever taken. but it also gave me quite strange looks from passangers. i mean: a guy with a big cam crouching in front of a dead bird, for 15 minutes, trying to get the perfect angle, the lens hood almost touching the bird... but yeah, thanks! if i could get your name (and yo numba ;p)

  6. Du hast recht, ich habs vergessen:
    Macht aber nichts, denn: gute Wahl!
    1 ist auch die nr ooone (die mini feder da noch...!),
    und außerdem besonders hervozuheben: 2 ist auch großartig (hast du als kind auch immer ganz dicht auf kleinere sachen gestarrt und warst überzeugt, dass es eine GANZ andere welt ist? ich schon... ;)) 4: another one bites the dust!
